Thursday, November 18, 2010

Bluetooth For Direct Connect

official notice

Now it is finally done - I ( Skavoluzzer ) and my brother Miguel (link follows) will open at the end of the year / early next year, a vegan cafe / bistro / bar in Hanover.

official opening is to the be 01/02/2011 - however, if required, various events taking place in December - until now a birthday, stag night, and probably a New Year's party - someone should therefore still looking for an affordable location in December - he can be happy contact us:

fixed before all contact information: Send an email to my address:

We are currently in the planning stages and still need to do very much - hence the unprofessional excuse template etc. - that adjusts the weeks everything.

Our plan provides for the first flyer on the vegan Christmas fair in Hanover to distribute - but this is not yet complete - is the logo. If, therefore, by chance anyone out there familiar with graphic design and offer us his help - so we would be very grateful about :

The name of the locality should read as follows:

NIRVANA (where the central "V" through the "Vegan label is replaced - the license to be just caught up with me).

Next week will be followed PHOTOS of the store and I can promise you now that it's very looks cozy;)

The business concept: to EVERYTHING 100% VEGAN be - except for drinks (cocktails, Bionade, tea, etc.) are also few. food offered, such as sandwiches, hot dogs, soups, cakes etc.

Furthermore, the likely venue of many events - like animal welfare, I will personally various book readings, or films (Animal Welfare / veganism) organize - after which one can discuss the specific contents and should be.

Should anyone not familiar with my main blog so he will find him at: CLICK HERE!

Oh almost forgot self: Should you have any tips and suggestions do - it shall be happy - we are open to all suggestions!


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