Friday, November 26, 2010

How To Whiten Yellowed Wool

morning VEGAN Christmas market

REMEMBER - tomorrow is the first vegan Christmas fair in Hannover:

More info HERE

My brother and I throughout the day to be there - get busy flyers to the people - eating tasty things and actively participate (Construction - Supervision of stalls, etc.).

I'm looking forward to it and hope the animal will be as many people.

you tomorrow;)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

My Ny License Has A Temp Visitor


We are home again.
After 4 days (5 infusions) cortisone, much Rest, countless studies and viiiieeelen hearing is to come to the decision now to allow the ear a few months rest until it has recovered from the Listening fall.
An ordinance to re CI Op we will get the next day and until by the KK is always a lot of time pass.
Until then, it has the ear of spring and is recovering. Then Sophia
is provided bilaterally. To hope
only that the dizziness is getting better now, I've now taken home so that they recover the rest of the week can.


Meaning Of The Short Signature

flyer for reopening

Soooo - now is the first flyer ready and ordered - I hope he does not look too bad for the old from the beginning ^ ^

data we unfortunately have not had: fixed line number, rational website, logo, but those will be indicated on future flyer!

About the logo: It's a lot more complicated, the license for the "Vegan label" catch up. First, such a label is usually on a particular product and non-coupled to a whole store and on the other, the headquarters of those who is awarded the licenses in the UK. Some friends just try to draft a logo - if one of you has graphics experience - please contact;)

Who the flyer in pdf format. will have - just write short and we send those!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Giving A Man A Brazilian Wax

patience and wait ...

.. it is now. Now we're sitting
Friday night here in F. and S. has already 4 infusions behind.
An improvement has not occurred, the dizziness it burdens continue to listen and make your one-mentally very hard. It now wants to extend
possibly the administration of cortisone and I'm not sure if it is at all meaningful.
Today they have the hearing test and ENG (vertigo test) and look at whether the auditory nerve is intact.
5 days cortisone is already fierce, yet it has no side effects other than a cute little moon-face.
am But because of the known sudden progression I not really sure which is better now.
An extension of the infusions and the chance to produce a minimal part of the hearing again what we can promise but no, or only 5 days infusion, and then go home and wait what happened?
Because it is clear that the second CI is due soon anyway.

Man, I want no more treffen.Irgendwann decisions must still be good times.


Thursday, November 18, 2010

Bluetooth For Direct Connect

official notice

Now it is finally done - I ( Skavoluzzer ) and my brother Miguel (link follows) will open at the end of the year / early next year, a vegan cafe / bistro / bar in Hanover.

official opening is to the be 01/02/2011 - however, if required, various events taking place in December - until now a birthday, stag night, and probably a New Year's party - someone should therefore still looking for an affordable location in December - he can be happy contact us:

fixed before all contact information: Send an email to my address:

We are currently in the planning stages and still need to do very much - hence the unprofessional excuse template etc. - that adjusts the weeks everything.

Our plan provides for the first flyer on the vegan Christmas fair in Hanover to distribute - but this is not yet complete - is the logo. If, therefore, by chance anyone out there familiar with graphic design and offer us his help - so we would be very grateful about :

The name of the locality should read as follows:

NIRVANA (where the central "V" through the "Vegan label is replaced - the license to be just caught up with me).

Next week will be followed PHOTOS of the store and I can promise you now that it's very looks cozy;)

The business concept: to EVERYTHING 100% VEGAN be - except for drinks (cocktails, Bionade, tea, etc.) are also few. food offered, such as sandwiches, hot dogs, soups, cakes etc.

Furthermore, the likely venue of many events - like animal welfare, I will personally various book readings, or films (Animal Welfare / veganism) organize - after which one can discuss the specific contents and should be.

Should anyone not familiar with my main blog so he will find him at: CLICK HERE!

Oh almost forgot self: Should you have any tips and suggestions do - it shall be happy - we are open to all suggestions!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Beautiful Agony & Daily Motion

sudden deafness

Last week, the child complained of hearing less.
* Mom, I hear worse ....* came to vertigo and nausea.

led to the hearing test on Saturday while a constant Hearing curve but understanding speech is much declined.


80 db = 0%
95 db = 70%
105 db = 100%


85 db = 0%
100 db = 80%
115 db = 90%


85 db = 0%
100 db = 55%
110 db = 65 %

After consultation with the university - the first clinic was clearly an infusion treatment pending.
was canceled so my ticket in the home and booked for F..
This is how my holiday au, but I love Freiburg and I very much hope that my small it will feel better soon.
