Monday, August 30, 2010

Puritus Ani And Accupuncture


Yes, we were behind us all morning gebracht.Einen we in our local ENT clinic. Many listening tests, Speech analysis and various other investigation has to endure patiently the child about himself.
the end we had a great conversation with the professor and the senior physician.
Now it's wait again, but I'm impressed.
addition there have also shaken his head they have refused to Sophia, what do you actually deserve.

In 2 weeks off we go to bars, tickets, clothes, shoes, bath items, towels, bedding, shoes, suitcases, pocket ..... all need stuff like what the child.

Please ask me how are ME.
It is so great, she is so excited and tense. We got a big stack of papers, what heaven do know everything.
Well, is in 2 weeks training.



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